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SHEQXEL Stakeholder Engagement Tool


Product Description

Do you need a simple template to demonstrate how your organization engages with stakeholders who have been identified as part of the context of your organization in order to satisfy their needs?

SHEQXEL Stakeholder Engagement Tool is a simple template for assessing stakeholder’s disposition; developing stakeholder engagement plan; and planning and logging meetings with stakeholders to demonstrate how an organization is engaging with its stakeholders to meet their quality, health, safety and environmental needs.

The features include;

Approved List is for users to list all of its stakeholders such as shareholders, directors, workers, senior management, government bodies and officials, regulator, contractors, media and the general public. Users may provide the types of meetings, random list of stakeholder disposition, communication type, status, priority and type of stakeholders. The approved list serves as an important feature for predefining a set of parameters which would be used as a dropdown list in the source data to help keep the parameters consistent all throughout the source data and reports. 

Stakeholder Assessment Matrix is for assessing stakeholder disposition on health and safety matters on the basis of awareness, resistance, neutrality, support or leader of health and safety priorities of your organization for the needed action ranging from investing, planning, committing, leveraging and maintaining adequacy of resources to sustain health and safety.

Stakeholder Engagement Plan is for planning stakeholder engagement activities taking into account the stakeholder, the unit in terms of internal or external, the contact person, the communication type to be used, the frequency of communication, the engagement goal, priority of the engagement and any additional note required. The engagement plan will help users to demonstrate how they intend to engage with stakeholders to meet their health and safety priorities. 

Meeting Planner is for planning all meetings within a one year calendar by planning the type of stakeholder, meeting agenda, type of meeting, start date and finish date to automatically estimate the duration to be used and the days due. Users can then update the status of the meeting upon completion.

Meeting Log is for logging all types carried out with stakeholders capturing the date of meeting, agenda discussed, location or area, summary of discussion and attendees. The meeting log has an action tracker dedicated for tracking all actionable items, identifying the action originator and assigning action owner, the action priority, progress update, action deadline, next follow up date, days due and action status.

Gantt Chart helps to visualize the timeline of various meetings planned on the meeting planner.

It is simply a Microsoft excel file hence no installation is required and can run on both Windows and Mac and is compatible with Microsoft Excel 2013 (+ Later Versions)

Change Log

  • Version 1.0 – 14 September, 2022 –  Date Released.


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