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SHEQXEL Road Transport Safety Reporting Tool


Product Description

This is a tool to improve Road Transport Safety Performance Monitoring and Trend Analysis. It is designed to build a database of Road Transport Key Performance Indicators from Chartered Institute of  Logistics and Transport (CILT) and Common Motor Vehicle Crashes from the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP) Guidance Note on Land Transportation Safety.

It has 6 main features. The first is The Tracker for Driving Licenses, Vehicle Maintenance, Vehicle Insurance Certificates, and Vehicle Roadworthiness Certificates. The Tracker has been conditionally formatted to give a visual update on how soon the documents expire. The Tracker also builds the initial database of drivers and vehicles. There are also the Road Transport Safety Objectives and Targets Sheet, the Source Data Sheet, Road Safety Report Template, Dashboards, and Various Reports (Pivot tables and charts).

The Source Data Sheet is where you input data and it captures all relevant Road Transport Safety Indicators based on the key element of Road Transport Management System such as Driver Recruitment and Selections, Driver Training and Assessment, Vehicle Inspections and Defect Reporting, Journey Management and Vehicle Safety Audits, including indicators from CILT and IOGP.

The Dashboards are two and both are dynamic. The Trend Dashboard helps users to visualize performance trends for all key indicators using a timeline whiles the Target Dashboard helps users to visualize progress made towards their Road Safety Targets also using a timeline.  Also with just “A click” of the “Refresh All” tab on the menu bar, all the reports within the workbook are automatically updated update.

The Road Transport Safety Report Template enables users to produce a monthly report on their fleet with just “A Click” of buttons on a Slicer.

The Road Transport Safety Objectives and Targets Sheet enables users to set their targets based on the indicators from the source sheet. It has a Timeline for selecting monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually performance reports for comparison against set targets. The sheet has been conditionally formatted with red indicators as a sign of underperformance or green indicators as a sign of good performance for users to see at a glance which areas need improvement. Users will usually be obliged to keep all indicators green by way of continual improvement to exceed their set targets.

The Various Reports are tables and graphs for each indicator in the Source Data Sheet for which the database has been built. Users can have access to more in-depth tables and graphs for their Annual Road Safety Performance Reports.

The unique feature about this tool is that users can monitor drivers every day based on each indicator and generate reportareports s for each driver/vehicle for each month and also all work is done for users in terms of Pre-defined Key Performance Indicators and Pre-structured templates, hence users only have to build their database and after a click of just a button all reports are generated

This is a complete tool for organizations involved in the road transport business that do not have any proprietary system in place to drive their Road Transport Safety Management System. It is simply a Microsoft excel file hence no installation is required and can run on both Windows and Mac and is compatible with Microsoft Excel 2013 (+ Later Versions)

Change Log

  • Version 1.1 – 19 May, 2022 – Improved objectives and targets, added target source data sheet, improved the road safety target dashboard and finally improved the formatting of the actual source data sheet.


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