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SHEQXEL Permit to Work Tracker


Product Description

Are you dealing with a large number of work permits and having trouble managing them? Are you troubled with how to ensure effective Permit to Work system because you cannot tell at anytime which work permit is active? SHEQXEL Permit to Work Tracking Log will enable you to log all your work permits on a simple spreadsheet for effective tracking purposes for you to ensure that validity periods for work permits do not expire without your knowledge. This tool incorporates conditional formatting to give visual update of valid days left for each work permit. It also visually displays on graphs how many days permit is valid or has expired to enable users to gain control over their Permit to Work System

Change Log

  • Version 1.1 – 8 July, 2022 – Introduced an approved list for predefining list of work permits, companies, locations, shift and status for use as dropdown list to control entries.


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