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SHEQXEL HSE Performance Monitoring Tool – Manager Version


Product Description

This tool is designed to build HSE database and analyze over 40 leading indicators and 11 lagging Indicators to generate HSE Performance Reports.  It has 7 main features, i.e. The HSE Objectives and Targets Sheet, Target Source Data Sheet, Actual Source Data Sheet, HSE Statistics, Monthly HSE Report Template, 11 Dashboards and, Various Reports (Pivot tables and charts)

The Target Source Data Sheet is where users can set their yearly targets of all the KPIs and build a database of the yearly targets to represent on all dashboards with targets and progress charts and for drawing comparison of actuals againsagainst targets. The KPIs have already been grouped according to the objectives they seek to achieve for users to simply set their own targets in numerical values based on their scope of work to ensure adequate objectivity in measuring HSE performance.

The Actual Source Data Sheet is where you input data such as No. of Employees, Man Day, Man Hours Worked including various other indicators are entered. The Safety Lagging Indicators reactively measure failures hence captures all types of incidents and separate Total Recordable Cases (TRC) from other incidents to estimate Incident Rates such as Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate and Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate; The Safety Leading Indicators proactively measure success and are based on generic indicators which are applicableapply to all highhigh-risk risk workplaces.  

The Dashboards are Eleven (11) in all. All are dynamic and each focuses on relevant aspects of the safety management system. These are;  Performance Trend Dashboard, Targets Summary Dashboard, Incident Dashboard, Incident Rate Dashboard, Control of Work (CoW) Dashboard, Behavior BasedBehavior-Based Safety (BBS) Dashboard, Workplace Control Monitoring (WCM) Dashboard, Employee Training and Awareness (ETA) Dashboard, Continual Improvement (CI) Dashboard, Employee Engagement (EE) Dashboard, and Emergency Response (ER) Dashboard.

Users can focus on just data entering and with  “A Click” of an update “Refresh the  All” tab on the Menu bar, all dashboards and reports within the workbook automatically updates. Also, users can control all 10 dashboards and 50 reports using any slicer or timeline in the workbook.

The HSE Statistics Sheet automatically populates monthly statistics of all KPIs in a table for usersusers’ perusal. This process requires no effort at all as users focus on building their database of HSE KPIs.

The Monthly HSE Report Template enables users to automatically populate and generate monthly reports with just “A Click” based on the data provided in the Source Data Sheet. This avoids the stress of making entries all over again for monthly reports while building an HSE database

The HSE Objectives and Targets Sheet enables users to compare targets from the Target Source Data Sheet against actuals from the Actual Source Data Sheet using a dropdown to select a respective year to compare and a Timeline to applicable to applicable apply select monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annual performance trends for comparison. The sheet has been conditionally formatted to indicate red as a sign of underperformance or green as a sign of good performance for users to see at a glance which areas need improvement. Users will usually be obliged to keep all indicators green by way of continual improvement to exceed their set targets.

The Various Reports are 50 sheets of tables and graphs of each key performance indicator in the Source Data Sheet and the Target Source Data for which database has been built to compare actual against targets. These include trend charts of incident rates. Users can have access to more in-depth tables and graphs as inputs for their Annual HSE Performance Report

The unique feature about the Manager Version is that it exclusively allows Only Monthly Data Entries, hence best for HSE professionals who have responsibilities for HSE data analysis and performance reporting but have a lot on their plate, so they can relieve themselves of the daily admin burden to focus more the strategic issues.

Another amazing feature is how all the work is done for users in terms of Pre-defined Key Performance Indicators and Pre-structured templates, hence users only have to build their database and after a click of just a button all reports are generated.

This is a complete tool for organizations that do not have any proprietary system in place to drive their HSE management system. It is simply a Microsoft excel file hence no installation is required and can run on both Windows and Mac and compatibleis  with Microsoft Excel 2013 (+ Later Versions)

>>> Check out the Officer Version <<<              >>> Check out the Lite Version <<<


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