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SHEQXEL Multiple Sites Dashboard Template


Tracking the Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) performance of multiple sites is crucial for organizations to ensure consistency in compliance, risk management, and overall operational efficiency. To effectively track multiple sites, tools that offer the ability to track hierarchical data come in very handy. Hierarchical data is data with various sublevels that are all connected. For example, a company has 3 sites, and each site is assessed by the same HSE KPIs and has the same targets to report on their KPIs every month. This presents multiple levels of database that can be analysed using a sunburst chart. 

SHEQXEL Multiple Sites Dashboard Template is a simple template for measuring HSE KPIs of multiple sites for comparative analysis of the site performance from a high-level overview to a deep dive into each KPI using a sunburst chart. This template is based on a data hierarchy of 3 sites and 3 KPIs. Users are free to expand the scope to track additional sites and KPIs.

These are the features of the template:

The approved list is where users can provide their list of sites, KPIs, and monthly targets to keep the parameters consistent in the source data, controlled by data validation. The approved list has 3 sites and 3 KPIs and their targets. Users are able to change the parameters and add as many sites as they want.

The source data is the main database where users must provide their data after clearing the dummy data to make way for their own data. Users can update by clicking on the cell, and looking out for the dropdown arrow that pops up in the cell to select their KPI. As the user selects the KPI, the target auto-populates, giving a smooth workflow.

The dashboard is dynamic and updates after the user has refreshed the workbook from the data tab. The dashboard is built on pivot tables and dynamically updates based on the data in the source data. Dashboard comprises progress bar chart, column chart, line chart, and sunburst charts and the overall score of site performance for the KPIs.

Other reports are pivot tables and charts that can be used by users for internal reports without having to copy from the dashboard.

The template is compatible with Microsoft excel 2010 ( + later version).

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