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SHEQXEL Master Employee Performance Appraisal Log


Product Description

Do you need a simple template for logging multiple employee performance appraisal in order to determine the overall performance of your workforce? Then this is probably the best training evaluation tool you will find on the web.

SHEQXEL Master Employee Performance Appraisal Log is the master version of SHEQXEL Employee Performance Appraisal Tool  designed for keeping a database of multiple performance appraisals and reporting their scores for the purpose of estimating the overall performance of employees within an organization.

The features include; 

Approved List is for users to provide the list of employees who have participated in performance appraisal by providing their names, employee ID, department and job positions to serve as an important feature for predefining your set of parameters which would be used as a dropdown list in the source data to help keep the employee details consistent all throughout the source data, dashboard and reports. 

Master Appraisal Log is the main source data where users provide the points of the appraisals that have been completed by employees using their individual Appraisal Tool in order to estimate their individual % scores and performance rating indicative of their performance from the appraisal. The scores would then be aggregated to provide an overall score of employee performance across the organization.

Master Action plan is designed to auto-pulate any unacceptable and needs improvement rating for the needed development action as proposed by the assessor to be assigned to a person responsible for closing the actions. The sheet follow the exact format of the individual NC, CAPA and Action Plan for tracking responses that were unacceptable or needed improvement together with their explanations. The sheet has a slicer for filtering out the blanks.

The dashboard is dynamic and beautifully made up of bar chart to represent the average scores across for each department; an overall score across an entire workforce indicative of employee performance; an appraisal trend, any action open or closed for a better understand how employees have performed overtime. 

Other Reports include reports for all the department scores, each employees performance, appraisals trend, ratings of the employees and action status created with pivot and chart to give graphical overviews which are utilized for the dashboard. Users are free to utilize them for their internal reporting rather than the dashboard.

It is simply a Microsoft excel file hence no installation is required and can run on both Windows and Mac and compatible with Microsoft Excel 2013 (+ Later Versions)

Change Log

  • Version 1.0 – 07 November, 2022 –  Date released.


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