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SHEQXEL Inspection Schedule


Product Description

Do you need a schedule to log your workplace inspection programs? Do you want to have an overview of your workplace inspection programs that are under your control?

An inspection schedule is a simple template for scheduling, logging, and reporting inspection performance. Users can effectively track their inspection schedules and performance using this template.

The template has 4 main features;

The Approved list:- for setting your organization’s types of inspections and their frequencies, person responsible, job titles, and departments. Users can also set the timeframe for each respective year by just inputting the start date of the year.

The Source Data sheet inspection schedule where the various types of inspections are populated with their frequencies for a user to set their schedule by days in the week for the year. Users can select P implying planned or C for completed and both conditionally formatted with red and green respectively.

The Dashboard comprises a bar chart for reporting performance of individual inspections as per the target sets and progress charts for visualizing the overall score or completion rate for the inspection programs, and the corrective action rate which is the percentage of actions closed. Slicers have been used for easy drill down and enhance user experience. 

The Inspection Log provides the template for logging all inspections carried out taking into account the date of inspection, type of inspection, issues found, remedial action, who carried out the inspection, provide responsible persons and set deadline for closure to automatically track days due and action status.  

The Performance Report shows the percentage completion as per the schedule for the year.

The Action Status Report shows the number of actions open and closed which are in turn used to estimate the corrective action rate for all inspection programs.  

This is a Microsoft excel file hence no installation is required and can run on both Windows and Mac with Microsoft Excel 2013 (+ Later Versions)

This a FREE add on to the Full Pack

Change Log

  • Version 1.1 – 19 May, 2022 – Added an inspection dashboard and improved the inspection log with an action plan for remedying the issues found from inspection programs.


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