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SHEQXEL HSE Incident Trend Analysis Tool


Product Description

This is the tool you need if you are looking for a simple but most effective tool to analyze your incidents. This template is designed for recording data in the most relevant structure to establish trends to implement proactive interventions to prevent the incident from re-occurring.

The tool has 4 main features;

The Approved List is the setting section users can predefine their incident types, the body parts where injury can affect, the types of injuries, sex, types of persons, levels of investigation, and status of the investigation.

The Source Data is the main working area where data is entered. This takes into account the date of the incident, case ID, the title of incident, details, incident types (1,2 & 3) to account for the incident with more than one classification, injury category, type of injury, downtime (hours lost), related activity, related equipment or material, location, underlying causes, cause category, type of person involved, sex, level of investigation and status of closure. These present a comprehensive structure for building a good database of incidents for good analysis.

The Incident Timeline presents a good storyboard for displaying the timeline of incidents for meaningful see at glance analysis. This can be printed out and displayed on noticeboards to communicate to all persons to focus on zero accidents every month. The timeline gives a visual appeal to workers to align and participate in safety programs.

The Dashboards are two(2) and all are dynamic to visualize the data from the source sheet with just a Click. The Incident Dashboard features incident type, incident location, incident trend, injury category, injury type, incident cause category, type of person involved, and downtime from the incident. The Injury to Body Dashboard shows the various body parts affected by personal injurious accidents. This helps to channel focus on data-driven campaigns such as the Hands and Finger Injury (HFI) Campaign, Dropped Object Prevention Campaign, etc based on which part of the bodily injury is prevalent.

Various Reports are tables and graphs of the relevant data from the source sheet for further drill down by users for easy predictions and implementation of proactive timely interventions.

This is tool is good for organizations that do not have any proprietary system in place.

It is a Microsoft Excel file hence no installation is required and can run on both Windows and Mac with Microsoft Excel 2013 (+ Later Versions)


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