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SHEQXEL HSE Budgeting Tool


Product Description

Do you need a template to manage your health, safety, and environment-related expenditure and budgeting to drive your HSE activities? Are you an HSE Manager in charge of planning for budgetary allocation for your department?  Then try this!

HSE Budgeting Tool is a turnkey template for planning and setting HSE budget and tracking daily HSE expenditures to ensure that HSE priorities and activities are within budgeted cost and in sync with the overall corporate HSE strategy.

The template has these features;

The Approved list is for users to provide a list of HSE Priorities relating to various aspects of their management system and the general HSE focus areas. Users can also set the type of budget and categories in terms of health, safety, and environment and the levels of priorities in terms of high, medium, and low. The approved list predefined the data to be entered on the budget planning templates and the source datasheet.

The Budget Planning sheet is for planning the HSE budget by organization’s HSE priorities and focus areas. Users can set their budget and choose the type of budget either capital, operating, or project budget, set level of priority, budgeted quantity, budgeted price to estimate budgeted cost and the expected purpose, benefit, or goal. The data serves as input for tracking purposes on the source data sheet.

The Source Data sheet is the main working sheet after planning the budget. This is the daily HSE expenditure tracker where users track every expenditure related to HSE. The sheet is designed to automatically populate by just selecting the priority. Users can provide a detailed description of the expenditure and must complete the quantity purchased and the actual cost incurred. This will automatically and conditionally indicate green as within budget, yellow as on budget, and red as exceeded budget.

The Dashboard features the total HSE budget, total expenditure, and budget surplus or deficit. The dashboard also features line charts to show monthly HSE expenditure trends, column charts for monthly HSE expenditure, the status of HSE budget, and then budgeted vs actual expenditure, all connected to a slicer for easy selection and deep dive according to focus areas.

The Various Reports relate to HSE expenditure trend, monthly expenditure, the status of budget, and list of budget priorities for user’s perusal e.g. sending as report to top management.

This is a Microsoft excel file hence no installation is required and can run on both Windows and Mac with Microsoft Excel 2013 (+ Later Versions)

This is a FREE add-on to the Full Pack.

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