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SHEQXEL Environmental Monitoring Tool


Product Description

This tool is designed to build a database of environmental aspects, utility consumption (fuel, electricity, and water), environmental quality monitoring, and effluent analysis parameters. It allows tracking of waste based on 3 R’s ( Reduce, Reuse and Recycle ) before sending residual to landfill. It provides very good inputs for generating Annual Environmental Reports. 

This is best for Safety and Environmental Professionals who want a one-stop solution for managing environmental aspects of their operations.

This a FREE add on to the Full Pack

Change Log

  • Version 1.1 – 17 October, 2022 –  Added two (2) additional dashboards to give better perspective to the database on air and noise quality monitoring and utility consumption, separated their respective reports on separate worksheets, and revised the formatting of the source data excel table and welcome sheet.


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