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SHEQXEL Employee Training Log


Product Description

Do you need a simple template for logging training carried out for employees? Then this is probably the best employee training log you will find on the web.

SHEQXEL Employee Training Log is a simple template for recording training carried out at the workplace together with participation, training hours, and training cost to establish trends for reporting purposes.

The features include;

Approved List for predefining the list of training programs and the types of training whether job specific, emergency requirements, or mandatory requirements for all employees to complete.

Training Log is the source data for the dashboard and other reports, where users must log their training carried out by providing the date of training, a topic treated, training type, no. of participants, hours used for training to estimate training man-hours for all employees, and the training cost.

The dashboard is dynamic and beautifully made of a bar chart to represent training participation and training cost, an area chart for reporting training man-hours, and the doughnut chart to report the various types of training carried out over the timeframe which can be drilled out using a timeline.

Other Reports include training participation, type of training, training man-hours, and training cost, which were utilized for the dashboard. Users are free to utilize them for their internal reporting rather than the dashboard.

It is simply a Microsoft excel file hence no installation is required and can run on both Windows and Mac and is compatible with Microsoft Excel 2013 (+ Later Versions)


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