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SHEQXEL Document Control Register


Product Description

Do you need a template to maintain and control your list of management system documents? Then this is probably the best document control register you will find on the web.

SHEQXEL Document Control Register is a simple template for keeping a list of management system documents and assigning document owners for effective tracking of issued dates, revision dates, document version numbers, and days due or overdue for the next revision to ensure adequate control of documents as per the procedure.

The template comprises;

Document control register which is the source data for making entries such as document number, document type, issue date, date revised, description or details reviewed, revision or version number, document owner, next revision date, and days due or overdue.

Days due or overdue sheet is a table and graphs of days due or overdue for revision. Users can utilize this report to know the exact timeframe for the next revision date.

The revision status sheet provides a table and chart of how many documents are open or have been closed for revision. This is quite useful for showing documentary evidence of how an organization is controlling its management system documents.

It is simply a Microsoft excel file hence no installation is required and can run on both Windows and Mac and is compatible with Microsoft Excel 2013 (+ Later Versions)


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