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SHEQXEL Customer Complaints Log


Product Description

Do you need a simple template for logging, evaluating, and following up on customer complaints? Then this is probably the best customer complaints log you will find on the web.

SHEQXEL Customer Complaints Log is a simple template for recording complaints from customers for quick evaluation and implementation of corrective actions to retain customers and improve the quality of service.

The features include;

Approved List for predefining the list of customers and their contact details or email ID, list of predefined categories, and action statuses. Also on the approved list is the impact severity matrix definitions which will help to determine the level of potential impact from customer complaints and the days action must be closed. Users are required to review the approved list to suit their scenarios.

Complaints Log is the main working area or source data for the dashboard and other reports, where users must log their customer complaints by registering the date, order no., customer, contact details which populate automatically, the complaints, category, quantity involved, the amount involved if any, to estimate potential impact, and then users can then provide the root cause, corrective action. Deadline, Due or Overdue Days are automatically populated based on the impact severity matrix on the approved list. On the log, users can provide the date action was closed, the person who closed the action, and the person who has verified it.

The dashboard is dynamic and beautifully made of bar chart to represent complaints by customers in terms of number of complaints and the category of defect or complaints and status of action whether open or closed to report on how the organization is measuring and addressing customer complaints

Other Reports include customer complaints, complaints categories, complaints category by customers, and action status which gives a graphical overview of actions opened and closed, which were utilized for the dashboard. Users are free to utilize them for their internal reporting rather than the dashboard.

It is simply a Microsoft excel file hence no installation is required and can run on both Windows and Mac and is compatible with Microsoft Excel 2013 (+ Later Versions)


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