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SHEQXEL Corrective and Preventive Action Tracker


Product Description

To ensure continuous improvement of the health and safety management system, identifying nonconformance and analyzing their root causes for corrective and preventive actions (CAPA) play a pivotal role. Nonconformance is usually identified through Safety Monitoring or Assurance Activities such as safety audits, workplace inspections, and the like.

SHEQXEL Corrective and Preventive Action Tracker provides the best template for logging all Nonconformance and Corrective and Preventive Actions (CAPAs) for effective corrective action tracking and preventive action tracking.

The tool has 4 main features;

The Approved List is the setting section where Safety Assurance activities and Corrective Action Rate targets usually 100%, are set. A list of safety assurance activities such as internal audits, external audits, workplace inspections, environmental inspections, chemical inspections, safety walkthroughs, hazard hunts, etc. has been provided for users to use or update with their own to reflect in the source data sheet.

The Source Data features all safety assurance activities, details, location or equipment, nonconformance, roots causes, corrective/preventive actions, responsible person, progress updates, deadlines, deadline status which is dynamically set to show “Not Yet Due”, “Deadline Due Soon”, “Overdue” or “Deadline Met”. The source data dynamically tracks due days, duration used to close action once the user updates action status as closed and provided the closing date.

The Dashboard is dynamically designed with stacked bar charts, clattered column charts, and a speedometer chart to visualize all open and closed actions, and progress towards the Overall Corrective Action Rate target.

The rest of the sheets are pivot tables and graphs to show total nonconformance, CAPA (Action) status from Safety Assurance Activities, days CAPA is Due or Overdue; duration Used to Close CAPA, and finally the CAPA Register showing all closed vs Open actions & Persons Responsible.

This is a Microsoft excel file hence no installation is required and can run on both Windows and Mac with Microsoft Excel 2013 (+ Later Versions)

This a FREE add on to the Full Pack

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