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SHEQXEL Chemtool Plus


Product Description

As an upgrade of the ChemTool, the ChemTool Plus in addition to the Chemical Register and Dangerous Goods Table features, monitors stock of chemicals stored and used at the workplace by providing exact stock position “As You Go”. With this tool, users can set and monitor reorder levels and receive notifications which helps to prevent stock-outs. A good feature is that, you can record your physical counts and identify variances between physical stock and book stock. This tool gives all the graphical representations users need to send as reports on their chemical inventory. SHEQXEL ChemTool Plus is your tool if you need a full Chemical Inventory Management System for your company without losing sight of COSHH Controls for your chemicals

Firstly, you have to record your list of chemicals (can take up to 200 chemicals) stored and their reorder levels to start tracking the inventory.

The Chemical Stock Sheet is the main inventory tracking sheet which features the date, product, details, quantity received, quantity used, quantity remaining, the stock status whether in stock, out of stock, or re-order level reached, end-use, and lastly the end use of the chemical i.e. what it was used for.

The Chemical Register enables users to log all the chemicals and their hazard information based on their Safety Datasheets (SDS). This features an opportunity to estimate risk levels for users to know each chemical risk in order to identify the needed COSHH control; i. e. the preventive barriers that prevent personal exposures and the reactive barriers that mitigate the consequence from personal exposures. 

The risk assessment feature is based on a 5X5 risk matrix. The tool has a Dangerous Good Table that helps users to determine the need for extra control such as placards, manifest, and fire protection systems based on the hazard information gathered from the SDS.

The Stock Position sheet gives an overview of the total quantity received to date, total quantity used to date, and total quantity remaining to date for each chemical inventory. Users are able to do physical counts and identify the variances which are all captured on various reports on subsequent sheets within the workbook.

With this tool, Persons in Charge are able to, control stock, know all chemicals and their level of risk, conduct adequate inductions for workers and visitors, advised for the relevant chemical handling training and promote effective work planning before handling chemical based on the information gathered. The Persons in Charge can be able to update the register with all future chemical stock received and ensure they always come with their SDS as part of the hazard communication program and maintenance of COSHH controls.

Persons in Charge will be able to effectively monitor stock and still play an effective safety champion role of ensuring chemical register is, printed and a copy kept together with hard copies of the chemical SDS in a binder at a central location (usually, the office, where work planning meeting is held, as well as the storage location of the chemical to keep all workers and visitors informed. 

Effective COSHH Control and Hazard Communication Program is part and parcel of chemical inventory management. Begins safety in mind while you monitor the stock of chemicals. You can’t control what you don’t know. Know it all and control it all.


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