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SHEQXEL Chemtool


Product Description

SHEQXEL ChemTool is suitable for all organizations that store or handle chemicals at the workplace. This tool is designed to record up to 200 chemicals stored and used at the workplace in order to improve Hazard Communication Program and COSHH controls i.e. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health. 

Firstly, you have to record your workplace chemicals on a chemical register and update the register with the hazard information from their Safety Datasheets (SDS). Secondly, you have to know the  risk level for each chemical and identify the needed COSHH control; i. e. the preventive barriers that prevent personal exposures and the reactive barriers that mitigate the consequence from personal exposures. 

The ChemTool has a risk assessment feature based on a 5X5 risk matrix for estimating levels of risk and identifying the need for a full COSHH assessment by a competent person. The tool has a Dangerous Good Table to help users to determine the need for extra control such as placards, manifest and fire protection system based on the hazard information gathered from the SDS.

With this tool, Persons in Charge are able to, know all chemicals and their level of risk, conduct adequate inductions for workers and visitors, advise for the relevant chemical handling training and promote effective work planning before handling chemicals based on the information gathered. The Persons in Charge can be able to update the register with all future chemicals and ensure they come with their SDS as part of the hazard communication program and maintenance of COSHH controls.

Persons in Charge will be able to print a copy of the register together with hard copies of the chemical SDS in a binder at a central location (usually, the office, where work planning meeting is held, as well as the storage location of the chemical to keep all workers and visitors informed. 

Effective COSHH Control and Hazard Communication Program begin with a comprehensive chemical register. You can’t control what you don’t know. Know it all and control it all.


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