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SHEQXEL Checkbox Widgets


Checkboxes are interactive form controls that allow users to toggle between two states: checked (selected) or unchecked (not selected). They are part of Excel’s Developer tools and are commonly used to create lists, forms, or dashboards with a yes/no, true/false, or on/off functionality.

SHEQXEL Checkbox Widgets is a turnkey template for demonstrating how checkboxes could be applied to various safety reporting. Users can use checkboxes for simple tasks, basic checklists, checklists with scoring criteria, and other applications. This template showcases the myriad of advantages, such as simplicity of data input, automation by linking to a formula, error reduction by mutually exclusive data inputs (yes/no, true/false argument), space efficiency, and enhanced data analysis. 

Health and safety applications of checkboxes include:

  • PPE register: track PPE issuance by using checkboxes to simply indicate whether an employee has received PPE or not.
  • Action tracking: show progress of tasks in action tracking or track daily HSE tasks within a given timeframe.
  • Priority ranking: assign priority ranking to tasks or items as either high, medium, or low priority, among others;
  • Hazard identification: indicate whether specific hazards have been identified, controls are in place, or corrective actions have been completed.
  • Compliance evaluation: track compliance with safety standards or regulations by marking completed requirements with checkboxes.
  • Safety auditing: utilize checkboxes in audit checklists to confirm whether specific audit criteria have been met during site audits.
  • Workplace inspections: create inspection checklists for equipment, facilities, or processes where inspectors can check off completed tasks.
  • Progress update: Mark off completed steps in an HSE process such as risk assessment, incident investigation, and safety audit, among others.
  • Employee training: track whether employees have completed required training modules or certifications by using checkboxes.
  • PPE inventory: Mark items as “in stock” or “out of stock” during inventory checks for personal protective equipment (PPE). 

The template is compatible with Microsoft Excel 2010 ( + later versions), and it’s for tutorial purposes.

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