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SHEQXEL Audit Program


Product Description

Are you looking for a simple and better system for planning your audits?

SHEQXEL Audit Program is a simple template for planning audits of business processes according to your own recognized audit criteria and checklists to generate reports on the audit program and performance over a year. 

The tool has 7 main features;

The Approved List for users to provide the list of their key business processes, the types of audits carried out in the organization, and the status of the audits as “Open” and “Closed”. The approved list serves as input for the source data sheet. Users can also set the timeframe for each respective year by just inputting the start date of the year.

The Source Data sheet is the Yearly Audit Program which is the main working area where users can plan their yearly audits by listing the key business processes, the types of audit, audits start dates and finish dates, the duration of the audits, status of the audits and the audit reference numbers if closed. Completing these entries will automatically populate the year calendar which is designed for 2021. Users can change to subsequent years if the year is exhausted or has passed.

The Dashboard is dynamic and beautiful made of bar charts to represent the various planned audits and the durations for auditing the key business processes and their due days, a cluttered column chart for audits open and closed and a progress chart representing the overall audit progress.

The No. of Planned Audits sheet shows the counts and total of the different types of audits planned for the year and presented on a pivot table and graph.

The Planned Audit Duration sheet shows the duration of planned audits for the key business processes and is presented on a pivot table and graph.

The Audit Days Due sheet shows the number of days from the current date when audits will be due for the key business processes.

The Audit Completion Status sheet shows the number of open and closed audits on the key business processes and presented on a pivot table and graph.

This is a well researched tool for organizations looking to streamline their yearly audits with performance dashboard to monitor progress.

It is simply a Microsoft excel file hence no installation is required and can run on both Windows and Mac and is compatible with Microsoft Excel 2013 (+ Later Versions)

This a FREE add on to the Full Pack

Change Log

  • Version 1.1 – 19 May, 2022 – Added a Gantt Chart to the audit program and improved the formatting of the days due for audits.
  • Version 1.2 – 30 November, 2022 – Corrected the percentage completion rate.


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