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SHEQXEL Aspect Identification Register


Product Description

Do you need a simple template to identify and evaluate the environmental aspects related to your business? Then this is probably the best aspect identification register you will find on the web.

SHEQXEL Aspect Identification Register is a unique tool for identifying and recording the environmental aspect of business activities in the context of the organization for effective management and treatment of those impacts.

The features include;

Impact Significant Score present the criteria for estimating risk levels based on the significance of impact, the extent of the legal requirement, likelihood of occurrence, and frequency of occurrence determined on the scale of 1 to 4 together with their definitions and the risk control action plan which specifies the levels of scores, their associated risk levels, response priority, actions to take and their timeframes for closure. This sheet also has a list of aspect categories ranging from emission to air, hazardous waste, emission to water, and others, which users must review.

Aspect Identification Register is the source data where users must log their business objectives, aspect categories, aspect description, impact description, interested parties concerned, impact on business, and then determine the risk significance based on impact, legal, likelihood and frequency to estimate the risk score, risk level and the response priority. Again users must then provide the relevant compliance obligation, method for meeting the compliance obligation in the context of the business objective and target of objective.

Other Reports include a graphical representation of aspect categories that have been identified in the register and the risk levels to ascertain the risk profile of the business. Users are free to utilize them for their own internal reporting.

It is simply a Microsoft excel file hence no installation is required and can run on both Windows and Mac and is compatible with Microsoft Excel 2013 (+ Later Versions)


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