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Safety Rules

What are Safety Rules?

Safety rules are a list of dos and donts used to address behaviors and work practices which cause accidents and injuries at the workplace. They are used as part of the risk management strategies to ensure a safe and secured workplace.  These are different from Golden Safety Rules which are the cardinal rules of an organization’s safety management system such as permit to work, lifting operations, energy isolation, confined space entry, management of change, driving safety, excavation safety, work at height among many others. 

 All employees are expected to comply with both safety rules and golden safety rules in order to stay safe.

Here are a number of safety rules for various work settings to use at your workplace. 

If you think safety rules are painful, try accident…

Site Safety Rules

  1. You are authorized to stop the job until job is made safe for you

  2. You are responsible for your own safety and the safety of others

  3. Always inspect your equipment before use

  4. Use the right equipment or tool properly for the right job

  5. Make sure you are the authorized person to operate any equipment

  6. Lift properly using your legs and not your back

  7. Keep your work area clean always during and after work

  8. Wear the appropriate personal protective equipment 

  9. Report any unsafe conditions to your supervisor

  10. Clean up spills immediately when you see

  11. Report all injuries and nearmisses

  12. No alcohol or drugs to be used or allowed on company premises

  13. Always know your limit, take 15 min rest break for any repetitive task 

Kitchen Safety Rules

  1. Always wash your hands before and after handling food

  2. Tie back long hair

  3. Wear an apron and roll up your sleeves

  4. Keep food preparation surfaces clean

  5. Wash fruit and vegetables under cold water before use

  6. Handle knives and other sharp equipment with care

  7. When handling knife, always cut away from yourself or downwards on a chopping board to avoid cutting yourself

  8. Turn handles of source pans away from the front of the stove when cooking

  9. Use oven mitts when taking hot dishes from the oven or microwave

  10. Do not run around the room where food is being prepared

  11. Wipe up food spill immediately

  12. Store food appropriately in sealed containers

  13. Always keep raw meat away from cooked meat at the bottom of the fridge

  14. Wash kitchen and eating utensils after use in hot soapy water.


Electrical Safety Rules

  1. Do not overload a single outlet.

  2. Do not plug multiple electrical cords into a single outlet.

  3. Turn of the power electrical appliances when not in use

  4. Keep all electrical appliances away from water

  5. Only use a competent electrician for any electrical work

  6. Do not use frayed, cut or cracked electrical cords.

  7. Do not use extension or power cords that have the ground prong removed or broken off.

  8. Use a cord cover or tape the cord down when running electrical cords across aisles, between desks or across entrances or exits.

  9. Turn the power switch to “off” and unplug appliances before adjusting, lubricating or cleaning them.

Office Safety Rules

  1. Use the step ladder to retrieve or store items located above your head.

  2. Do not jump from step ladders

  3. Do not tilt your chair; Keep all chair legs on the floor.

  4. Keep doors in hallways fully open or fully closed.

  5. Keep aisles and stairs clear of any obstructions

  6. Use the handle when closing doors.

  7. Open only one file cabinet drawer at a time.

  8. Put heavy files in the bottom drawers of file cabinets.

  9. Use the handle when closing drawers and files.

  10. Use the handrails when ascending or descending stairs 

  11. Do not run on stairs or take more than one step at a time.

Driving Safety Rules

  1. All occupants of any vehicle must use seatbelts at all times

  2. Drivers must be appropriately trained, licensed and fit to operate a vehicle

  3. Drivers of vehicles must adhere to local traffic laws and regulations

  4. Do not use your phone while driving and do not exceed speed limits

  5. ​No alcohol or drugs use while working or driving

  6. Drivers must be medically assessed with a minimum follow-up every five years

  7. Drivers shall be rested and alert when driving a company vehicle

  8. Managers must assess the need to travel by road and plan the journey taking into account road hazards and risks

  9. Drivers must follow the journey management plan and get permission for any need to deviate from the plan

  10. Ensure pedestrians are ‘out of danger’ when reversing a vehicle and while moving a vehicle in any working area

Laboratory Safety Rules

  1. Dress appropriately, tie back long hair and wear suitable gloves, goggles and other PPE

  2. Do not eat in the lab and never taste chemicals

  3. Identify hazardous substances before beginning any laboratory work

  4. Know the location of emergency number and safety equipment

  5. Do not perform lab experiment without supervision and authorization

  6. Be attentive while in the lab. Do not leave experiment in progress unattended

  7. Be careful when handling hot glassware

  8. Keep a clean workplace free from slip, trip and fall hazards

  9. Properly dispose off anything that breaks

  10. Report anything that breaks, spills and injuries immediately

  11. After completing labs, carefully clean workplace, equipment and wash your hands


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