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Top Management
How do you impress your top management with great health and safety performance. In this post I throw more light on the 6 steps you must take to wow your top management team. Why Organizations Employ HSE Professionals The main reason organizations agree to employ HSE professionals is to support with the implementation of their HSE Management System in an effective manner, where an effective manner means the ability to drive the HSE Management System
HSE Performance
What is an HSE Performance? HSE Performance is the measure of success or failure of the HSE Management System against a set of benchmarks. It is the ability of an organization’s HSE Management System to achieve its set of goals, objectives and targets such as to achieve zero (0) total recordable cases, safeguard health and safety of employees, protect life, property and environment, among others. Performance is measured with key performance indicators (KPIs) and these
Annual HSE Performance Report
In the run-up to the end of year, most organizations would be putting together their Annual HSE Performance Report. This can be a daunting task for those who haven’t planned for it or don’t have the right support systems in place at all. In this post, I would be sharing the systems that can make the task much easier. OptinFirst NameEmailDownload Free HSE Excel Dashboard Templates What is an Annual HSE Performance Report? An Annual
Have you ever thought that your HSE career will be evergreen? Have you ever believed that you will never have to look for another job? Of course, the affirmative only happens in the perfect world which doesn’t exist, so don’t make that mistake. If you want to constantly win and reach the greatest height of your career, this is some good info to help you to rethink your career life strategy. OptinFirst NameEmailDownload Free HSE
Microsoft Excel
The value of Microsoft Excel as an important workplace tool and add-on skill cannot be overemphasized. In this blog post, I share why all HSE professionals must consider Microsoft Excel as an add-on skill. Microsoft Excel, the world’s leading software for  businesses Microsoft Excel is the most used computer program at the workplace today. A lot of professionals use Microsoft Excel to perform almost everyday functional tasks at the workplace. There is also an increasing

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